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"I represent the tears of aging and ailing senior citizens who do not have the guarantee of a better life beyond the 30 – 35 years given to the Civil Service. I represent the displaced and badly hurt men, women and children who cannot be guaranteed of a government and civil society-driven communal conflict and dispute resolution. I represent the young people who have been reminded again and again that youths are the future of leadership, in a tomorrow that may never come without true sacrifice. I represent the child who looks up to the government to provide proper public education to enable me compete with peers locally and internationally. I represent the Human Being who has a critical opinion about the concept of governance and effective representation, as these concern the ills in our communities and of society."
I believe we can all collaborate to evolve our people and sustainably develop our communities and our Nation.
Communal Conflicts & Disputes

We intend to launch and implement a hybrid Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) strategy towards the Win-Win resolution of communal clashes involving sister communities in the Abi/Yakurr Constituency. Legislatively reviewing and empowering the National Boundary Commission (NBC) and other MDAs will be key to our conflict resolution programmes.


As Human Capital Development takes centre stage in our mandate, we intend to roll-out educational activities and programmes, conduct sessions in Leadership, Mentorship and Management, with a Finishing School for Graduates of Tertiary Institutions and Sessional Tutorials in science-based school programmes. A review of the compulsory Universal Basic Education Act forms part of our legislative proposals.

Senior Citizens' Welfare

With the poor conditions of our ailing and aging veterans and senior citizens after 30 - 35 years of service, we intend to push through with legislative proposals that guarantee their welfare. In addition to an annual healthcare constituency programme, we intend to propose legislation that will end the spate of debts and backlogs of arrears of Salaries, Pensions and Gratuities, without recourse to restructuring Nigeria.


With the high mortality rate of new-born babies (infants), under-five year olds and adults in our communities according to the United Nations Children Fund, we intend to propose legislation that will plant Health Centres within 5 minutes walking distance in our communities, in addition to an annual Healthcare Management Programme, for Senior Citizens, Men, Women and Children. 

Youths, Sports & Culture

On the back of a mandate for youth development, our programmes will focus on youths in both formal and informal education. We will legislatively consider a Sports Trust Fund Bill, a review of the remuneration component for corps members under the National Youth Service Corps scheme and a legislation-backed National Youth Centrum, coordinating growth and development programmes for Abi/Yakurr youths and indeed youths across the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


As Agriculture is so important to the sustainable living of our people in our communities, we will seek ways of improving sustainability and security through food production, commerce and research. Establishing Rice and Cassava processing plants as well as extension services, will be complemented by our legislative proposal to have a rolling and annual renewable Agricultural Farm Bill.

Entrepreneurship & Business

Our entrepreneurship and business-support programmes are tailored towards effective empowerment of our Veterans/Senior Citizens, Men, Women and Youths. We intend to propose a Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Bill that seeks to establish business centre programmes for all working ages of our people in our communities and across the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Waste Management

As solid waste has become too difficult and expensive to dispose and manage, we intend to support initiatives leading to effective waste disposal, recycling and management. This, we believe, will be a means of empowering interested entrepreneurs as well as a means of keeping our communities neat and tidy and free of diseases communicable through poor waste disposal and management. A Waste Recycling and Management Bill is also in consideration for possible legislation.

Disability Discrimination

As a means of curtailing growing discrimination and encouraging our Persons With Disabilities (PWD) to aspire and achieve their dreams, we intend to help fast track the delivery of the 2016 Disability Bill (HB476/SB022) to the Presidency or fast track possible amendments for Presidential accent. This bill will ensure full integration of PWDs into our communities and establish a National Commission to manage the welfare of PWDs.

Critical Infrastructure Protection

A sustainable society is one that actively sees to the protection of the critical infrastructure through which the development of society is made possible. Through legislation, we intend to play a key role in the protection of critical infrastructures especially in the Niger Delta region, and translate these to sustainable infrastructures in our communities.

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